We've witnessed an increase in interest in alkaline water over the last few years. It's popular in the wellness community to lose weight, repair minor diseases like acid reflux, and live a healthy lifestyle. Alkaline water prill beads are one of the popular ways to achieve alkaline water. Magnesium Prill Beads is a convenient way to drink alkaline water. But should you drink it? Is it really good for your body?


Let's start with the basics. A few of us have considered pH balances since high school. Water-based solutions with a pH greater than seven on a scale of 0-14 are "alkaline." The hydrogen ions' (H+) amount in a solution is measured by the "pH" level. High H+ concentrations and vice versa cause low pH readings. Because alkalinity is the polar opposite of acidity, everything above pH 7 has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions and is thus classified as basic or alkaline.

On the scale, where does pure water fall? Baking soda, for example, has a pH of between 8 and 9 when dissolved in water. Orange juice, with a pH of 3, is far lower on the scale. The number 7 is a lucky, neutral number. When filtered water, like Reverse Osmosis or Distilled, comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide. It becomes acidic, with a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5 depending on the exposure time to air.

glass of water - Playo


Many people feel that alkaline water is good for us. It's because it neutralizes acidity in our bodies, assisting with heartburn, detoxification, metabolism, oxygen, and energy levels, and lubricating our joints and muscles. It does all of these while enhancing our general health. Many experts, however, believe that there is a scarcity of scientific data that either supports or refutes such statements. Many of the advantages listed can be due to maintaining sufficient hydration, and a healthy body should maintain an acidic balance.

 There are four primary minerals in alkaline water, all of which contribute to its extraordinary health benefits:

  • Calcium is necessary and important for bone health and the proper functioning of the heart, muscles, and nerves.
  • Magnesium aids our body to convert food into energy and is required for over 300 metabolic reactions.
  • Sodium helps neurons and muscles function by regulating blood pressure and volume.
  • Potassium is an electrolyte essential for muscle function and helps to maintain a healthy digestive system.


  1. 1 3 oz. One gallon of filtered water put into a glass or ceramic container equals one bag of Prill Beads. When it comes to Prill water, never use plastic.
  2. Fill the container halfway with high-quality filtered water and the beads (in their organza sacks). Leave the water in the glass or ceramic container with the beads for 24 hours when preparing your first batch of Prill water. Pour off up to 3/4 of the water after the first 24 hours for usage.
  3. Place the beads in the bottom of the glass or ceramic container (in their organza sack). Following the first batch, can make further batches of Prill water in just one hour by adding more water. To start the next set, always leave 14 ounces of water in the container. The beads remain in the container at all times.
  4. To make Prill water, use the best-filtered water you can find. Water that has been in contact with Prill Beads and kept in the container for several days may become overcharged and develop a metallic flavor. Toss out the water and begin again.


If you take care of your hydration, you're probably aware of the numerous physical and mental advantages of drinking water. Have you ever looked at the paths and pit stops that water takes as it travels through your body?

Drink It

How does your body prevent water from entering your lungs and trachea? Water enters your body via your mouth and travels down your esophagus to your stomach. The epiglottis is a flap that runs down the back of your tongue. This flap opens when you breathe or talk, but it shuts, keeping food and water out of your windpipe when you swallow.

Passes Through Your Stomach

Water flows through your stomach and into your small intestine. Two factors primarily determine the rate at which this occurs. The first factor is temperature, as cold water absorbs more quickly. Second, if you eat and drink simultaneously—say, a glass of water with dinner—the water will flow through your system more slowly. It's because the food in your stomach takes up space and needs processing into liquid before passing through.


The main function of your small intestine is to absorb nutrients, but your large intestine and colon are responsible for the majority of your body's water absorption. When you drink water, osmosis transports it into your bloodstream. The water molecules desire to migrate to where there is less molecule concentration or more space. Therefore this is a passive diffusion across your cells that does not require energy.

Passing Through the Bloodstream

Water is essential for appropriate physiological functioning. It is required not just by your joints, bones, blood, and muscles but also by all of your organs, including your heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, and skin. Yes, your skin is an organ, and it is the largest! Water can then move all over your body once it has entered your bloodstream.

Releasing Old Liquid

When your body has used up all of the water it requires, it releases it in four different ways. One of these methods is sweating through the skin. Another way is to exhale, which expels a small amount of water from our lungs. Our stools also aid in the removal of some water, but urination is the most efficient method of elimination.

New Water

A huge portion of the water you consume travels via your kidneys, your body's filter. They use urine to clear away toxins and waste, protecting you from being ill. When you're dehydrated, your kidneys aren't able to cleanse your body as thoroughly as they should. That's why it's critical to replenish and maintain a healthy water intake regularly.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Alkaline Water Prill Beads: Should You Drink It?

Drinking alkaline water is said to have various health benefits, including immune system support, weight loss, and cancer resistance. These claims are noteworthy, but they are not backed up by scientific evidence. However, there are several scientifically proven health benefits to drinking alkaline water, and we're here to tell you about them.

By lee bradley


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